Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8)
Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8) waiting list is closed and not accepting applications.
If you applied when the list was open (April 20th-April 22nd) and provided an email address on the application, you have received an email with a letter attached informing you of your place on the list based on the lottery results. If you did not provide an email, you can look up your status. Please do not contact this office asking how long the wait will be to receive a voucher. As the letter states, we are unable to predict the time line. Thank you.
Waiting List Status
If you are on our waiting list and would like your status, click here
Section 8 Program Information
The Housing Choice Voucher program (Section 8) is a rent subsidy program designed to assist very low-income families in paying rent for private housing of their choice. The Housing Authority is currently providing assistance to more than 260 families through this program. To participate in the program, the family must meet all of the eligibility requirements.
Eligibility Requirements
Qualify as an individual or family
Income from assets included with other income does not exceed the Income Limits (2024)
No indebtedness to any Housing Authority
Has not committed fraud, misrepresentation or falsification of information
No history of violent criminal activity
For more information regarding the Section 8 Voucher Program please visit the Housing Choice Voucher Fact Sheet
Payment Standards (Voucher Maximum)
The MHA HCVP pays up to 120% of the Small Market Fair Rent ("SMFR"). Click here for the MHA 2025 Payment Standards (listed by zip code) to determine the approved gross (contract rent + utilities) rent maximum for your unit.
Information for Landlords
If you would like to list your unit with the MHA Housing Choice Voucher Program, you may e--mail the unit information (address, contract rent, bedrooms, utilities, etc.) to jturner@mhanj.net
All units will be inspected before a HCVP Participant can occupy a residency. Please click HERE to view or print information on how you can prepare for the inspection.
If you are currently a Landlord with the authority, you can access your HAP payment records from the Landlord Portal.